The Best Premium Cannabis Grinder in 2020?

A few months ago, we received an email from a young American entrepreneur named Zach. He told us about a new premium cannabis grinder that he recently invented and offered to send us two versions of it to check it out. At first, we were skeptical. After all, who invents a new cannabis grinder in 2020? However, after using it for several months, we don’t really want to miss it anymore.
The ZAM pocket grinder is made out of aluminum and stainless steel and is available in silver and black. The material has been anodized to prevent scratches and surface wear, while it has also been ultrasonically cleaned to remove unwanted leftover manufacturing contaminants.
It comes with a variety of features that you won’t find in many other cannabis grinders. We found that the “Air-Tight, Water-Tight Compartment with Removeable PTFE Lining,” or as we call it, “the tiny bucket,” is a lot more useful than it might seem at first. In fact, having your freshly ground weed in a removable small bucket is super convenient to prepare a bowl for your vape or bong, or to simply roll a joint. It’s hard to explain if you haven’t tried it yourself.

The ZAM grinder disassembled
In addition, the ZAM grinder offers three separate spaces to store leftover weed. There’s the tiny bucket we already talked about, with the obligatory screen section at the bottom of each quality grinder. But with this grinder, you get a third space at the top of the grinder. This space is big enough to store a gram of ground weed (perhaps even more), and also comes with a de-bowler that works perfectly with many vaporizers and bongs.
Finally, the cannabis grinder looks and feels incredibly luxurious, especially in silver. If you consider yourself a cannabis connoisseur, the ZAM grinder is definitely going to make your smoking sessions feel more special and valuable.
If that has piqued your interest, you should definitely check out the official ZAM Grinder website for more info.
Is the ZAM one of the best cannabis grinders?
To show you how the ZAM grinder looks in real life, we created a brief YouTube review that breaks down what you can expect. Feel free to check it out and let us know your thoughts in the comments!