Legal Marijuana in Canada
Report Card – Weed has been legal for about a month. By the numbers: Canada’s cannabis shortages
Industry insiders say the cannabis product shortages that have plagued many provinces will likely persist for years. Here are a few numbers on how Canadian recreational cannabis sales have unfolded during their first legal month:
Watch – Summary: A shortage of cannabis in Canada
132: The number of companies licensed to produce cannabis in Canada, according to Health Canada.
78: The number of companies with a licence for sales.
191: The number of expansion amendments that Health Canada has issued, allowing licence holders to expand production capacity.
14,500 kilograms: The amount of dried cannabis licensed producers reported shipping to provincial and territorial retailers at the end of September, along with 370 litres of cannabis oil.
40 per cent: The portion of its initial product order the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation received leading up to legalization day on Oct. 17.
20-30 per cent: The portion of its initial product order Cannabis NB received leading up to legalization.
340 kilograms: The amount of cannabis Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries shipped to retailers in October.
51,277: The combined number of transactions made at the B.C. Cannabis Store in Kamloops and the online store between Oct. 17 and Nov. 13.
More than 200,000: The number of orders the Ontario Cannabis Store has received since legalization day.