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Legal Marijuana in Canada

Study: Canadians fear drivers who smoke weed and drive. What people have to say..

Do a site search and see I’ve been very consistent on the issue of impaired driving, whether it’s drinking alcohol or smoking weed. There should be zero tolerance when it comes to impaired driving and the penalties should be severe for people that continue to do so..

Watch what regular Canadians think on the subject, there is genuine concern and we should all be working to report people that shouldn’t be driving until the message sinks home.

Watch – Canadians fear cannabis impaired driving: study

canadians fear smoking driving video - Study: Canadians fear drivers who smoke weed and drive. What people have to say..

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weedloving banner 600x500 1 300x250 - Study: Canadians fear drivers who smoke weed and drive. What people have to say..


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WeedLoving 600x600 300x300 - Study: Canadians fear drivers who smoke weed and drive. What people have to say..
