This thread was inspired after reading the delicious thread made by our mod Alexandra, however this one is a little different.
It has to do with why smoking cannabis makes you hungry,my buddies at thc detox wrote the article but I was wondering if you actually agree with what they say (I'll be asking you a lot about their different articles to help them out in their research) but I was also wondering if you felt that certain strains or consumption methods made you hungrier than others, I'm always hungry so I wouldn't really know 😁
I definitely think different strains are more powerful than others, in high and munchie level. Some strains don't make me munchie at all and some make me like wow I need to eat everything!
I really enjoyed your friends' article! Very informative. I think it's very possible that weed could make us hungry even when we aren't. But the olfactory part I think it spot on, everything smells better when I'm high haha. Thank you for sharing this!
Awesome I a. Planning on sharing more of his content to improve it because he's going to let me use it as part of my portfolio for my writing gigs, so I'm trying to spruce it up as much as I can although it is his material (actually one article is mine) having other people's inputs will have a better impact when I ask him to change or add something he doesn't agree with 😁
I completely agree, I love getting input on my work too! I'm like an all-around artist but I'm a writer too! Yeah, using your pieces for your portfolio is genius 🙂